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Nautobot v2.2

This document describes all new features and changes in Nautobot 2.2.

Release Overview


Contact and Team Models (#230)

Contact and Team are models that represent an individual and a group of individuals who can be linked to an object. Contacts and teams store the necessary information (name, phone number, email, and address) to uniquely identify and contact them. They are added to track ownerships of organizational entities and to manage resources more efficiently in Nautobot. Check out the documentation for Contact and Team. There is also a user guide available on how to utilize these models.

A new management command has been introduced to assist with migrating the Location fields contact_name, contact_phone and contact_email to the new Contact and Team models. This command can be invoked with nautobot-server migrate_location_contacts and will present a series of prompts to guide you through migrating Locations that have data in the contact_name, contact_phone, or contact_email fields which are not already associated to a Contact or Team. This command will give you the option to create new Contacts or Teams or, if a similar Contact or Team already exists, to link the Location to the existing Contact or Team. Note that when assigning a Location to an existing Contact or Team that has a blank phone or email field, the value from the Location will be copied to the Contact/Team. After a Location has been associated to a Contact or Team, the contact_name, contact_phone, and contact_email fields will be cleared from the Location.

Controller Model (#3111)

Controller models have been added to the dcim app. A Controller in Nautobot is an abstraction meant to represent network or SDN (Software-Defined Networking) controllers. These may include, but are not limited to, wireless controllers, cloud-based network management systems, and other forms of central network control mechanisms.

For more details, refer to the user guide for a Controller model, a ControllerManagedDeviceGroup model, or developer documentation for Controllers.

DeviceFamily Model (#3559)

A Device Family represents a group of related Device Types. A Device Type can be optionally assigned to a Device Family. Each Device Family must have a unique name and may have a description assigned to it.

Jobs Tile View (#5129)

Job list is now available in two display variants: list and tiles. List is a standard table view with no major changes introduced. Tiles is a new type of view displaying jobs in a two-dimensional grid.

Prefix and VLAN Many Locations (#4334, #4412)

The Prefix and VLAN models have replaced their single location foreign-key field with a many-to-many locations field, allowing multiple Locations to be attached to a single Prefix or VLAN. To ensure backwards compatibility with pre-2.2 code, these models now have a location property which can be retrieved or set for the case of a single associated Location, but will raise a MultipleObjectsReturned exception if the Prefix or VLAN in question has more than one associated Location. REST API versions 2.0 and 2.1 similarly still have a location field, while REST API version 2.2 and later replace this with locations.

Software Image File and Software Version models (#1)

New models have been added for Software Image Files and Software Versions. These models are used to track the software versions of Devices, Inventory Items and Virtual Machines and their associated image files. These models have been ported from the Device Lifecycle Management App and a future update to that app will migrate all existing data from the nautobot_device_lifecycle_mgmt.SoftwareImageLCM and nautobot_device_lifecycle_mgmt.SoftwareLCM models to the dcim.SoftwareImageFile and dcim.SoftwareVersion models added here.

Software Versions must be associated to a Platform. Software Image Files must be associated to one Software Version and may be associated to one or more Device Types. Devices, Inventory Items and Virtual Machines may be associated to one Software Version to track their current version. See the documentation for Software Image File and Software Version. There is also a user guide with instructions on how to create these models.

Syntax Highlighting (#5098)

Language syntax highlighting for GraphQL, JSON, XML and YAML is now supported in the UI via JavaScript. To enable the feature, a code snippet has to be wrapped in the following HTML structure:

<pre><code class="language-{graphql,json,xml,yaml}">...</code></pre>

render_json and render_yaml template filters default to this new behavior with an optional opt-out syntax_highlight=False arg.


Data Imports as a System Job (#5064)

The CSV import functionality for all models has been changed from a synchronous operation to an asynchronous background task (system Job). As a result, imports of large CSV files will no longer fail due to browser timeout.


Users now must have the run action permission for extras > job (specifically the Job) in order to import objects, in addition to the normal add permissions for the object type being imported.

Plugin to App Renames(#5341)

Installed Plugins view has been renamed to Installed Apps. Plugin terminologies in Installed Plugins (now Installed Apps) view and dependent views have been changed to App throughout. Plugin references in documentation (excluding old release-notes) have been replaced by App. Plugins navigation menu has been renamed to Apps.

Standardization of max_length on all Charfields (#2906)

Model CharFields' max_length attributes have been standardized globally to have at least 255 characters except where a shorter max_length is explicitly justified.

v2.2.9 (2024-08-05)


  • #5965 - Added missing controller references for DeviceRedundancyGroup in the UI.
  • #5980 - Added caching to FeatureQuery().get_choices() and FeatureQuery().list_subclasses().
  • #6029 - Added environment variable support for setting CELERY_WORKER_PREFETCH_MULTIPLIER.
  • #6030 - Added links from the Job list and detail views to quickly filter the list of Job Results to the corresponding Job.


  • #5775 - Reintroduced Add IP Address button to VirtualMachine Interface table.
  • #5785 - Fixed Scheduled Jobs not respecting Job Soft / Hard Time Limit.
  • #5796 - Added missing validation to ensure that a DeviceBay can only contain Devices with a subdevice_role of child.
  • #5811 - Fixed broken UI and added error message when submitting IPAddressAssignForm without selecting any IPAddress.
  • #5812 - Fixed CSV file upload handling of "UTF-8 with BOM" encoding.
  • #5904 - Fixed performance of JobResults UI when thousands of JobLogEntries are present.
  • #5904 - Fixed performance when Bulk Importing large csv files.
  • #5912 - Fixed incorrect clean() behavior on IPAddress that caused certain uniqueness violations to not be caught until save().
  • #5948 - Fixed table overflow.
  • #5980 - Improved performance of GraphQL queries by no longer unnecessarily creating FilterSet instances when no filter is present.
  • #5992 - Added signal to clear relevant content-type caches after running migrations.
  • #6022 - Fixed incorrect labels for derived filters (tenant__n, tenant__isw, etc.) when the base filter (tenant, etc.) has a custom label.


  • #6010 - Pinned django-storages temporarily to 1.14.3 due to an incompatibility between django-health-check and version 1.14.4 of django-storages.


  • #5949 - Fixed NewBranch job code in documentation.
  • #5958 - Added an example job that uses a custom template to render the job form.
  • #5959 - Fixed documentation structure and added documentation on contributing documentation updates.
  • #5971 - Added documentation for registering jobs from Git Repositories.
  • #6024 - Added documentation for the nautobot-server validate_models command.

v2.2.8 (2024-07-22)


  • #5911 - Updated zipp to 3.19.1 to address CVE-2024-5569. This is not a direct dependency so it will not auto-update when upgrading. Please be sure to upgrade your local environment.


  • #5569 - Fixed relationship required to ignore objects that do not match the related filter.
  • #5613 - Fixed intermittent failure in integration test for dynamic groups.
  • #5906 - Added support for filtering in GraphQL of objects identified by a many-to-many relation (Location.prefixes, Prefix.locations, etc.)
  • #5935 - Fixed issue in which a save() could be called unnecessarily on child devices.


  • #5833 - Updated dependency social-auth-app-django to ~5.4.2.
  • #5833 - Updated optional dependency django-storages to ~1.14.4.


  • #5833 - Updated documentation dependency mkdocs-material to ~9.5.29.
  • #5874 - Updated documentation regarding Nautobot on Ubuntu 24.04.


  • #5610 - Added integration test to do basic checking for static media failures caused by typos in template files.

v2.2.7 (2024-07-08)


  • #5891 - Updated certifi to 2024.7.4 to address CVE-2024-39689. This is not a direct dependency so it will not auto-update when upgrading. Please be sure to upgrade your local environment.


  • #4237 - Fixed display issue with multiple tags filter on dynamic groups. Multiple Tags are now correctly displayed with an AND.
  • #5093 - Fixed blank page redirect when syncing or running a dry run on a GIT Repo with no workers available; now redirects to the GIT Repo Detail page with an error message.
  • #5804 - Fixed operation of "Mark planned"/"Mark installed" button in Device component table views.
  • #5832 - Fixed lack of API versioning of responses to a POST to /api/ipam/prefixes/<id>/available-prefixes/ to allocate child prefixes of a prefix.
  • #5832 - Fixed incorrect OpenAPI schema for /api/ipam/prefixes/<id>/available-prefixes/ and /api/ipam/prefixes/<id>/available-ips/.


  • #5518 - Updated drf-spectacular to version 0.27.2.
  • #5896 - Pinned dev dependency faker to >=0.7.0,<26.0.0 to work around breaking change in v26.0.0 (faker/#2070).


  • #5847 - Updated the term plugin to app within the GitHub templates.
  • #5858 - Enhanced the test runner to include a hash of applied database migrations as part of the factory dump filename, reducing the likelihood of using the wrong cached data for a given branch.

v2.2.6 (2024-06-24)


  • #5821 - Updated urllib3 to 2.2.2 due to CVE-2024-37891. This is not a direct dependency so it will not auto-update when upgrading. Please be sure to upgrade your local environment.


  • #5550 - Added support for specifying a tag or a commit hash as the GitRepository branch value.
  • #5550 - Added an enabled flag to the JobButton class; disabled JobButtons will not appear in the UI.
  • #5793 - Added --print-hashes option to nautobot-server generate_test_data command.
  • #5807 - Added the ability to sort and filter the IPAddress list view by the nat_inside field.


  • #5550 - Changed the behavior on removal of a previously-installed Job class to additionally auto-disable any JobButtons, JobHooks, and ScheduledJobs referencing this class.


  • #5550 - Fixed an issue where config-contexts and export-templates sourced from a Git repository might not be automatically deleted from Nautobot after removing them from the repository and resyncing it.
  • #5550 - Fixed an exception that might be raised when performing a Git repository "dry-run" sync if certain types of diffs are present.
  • #5782 - Fixed an issue with Job code not being fully reloaded after syncing a Git repository.
  • #5809 - Fixed missing support for the GitRepository model in GraphQL.
  • #5819 - Fixed inability to use bare (local-DNS) hostnames when specifying a GitRepository remote URL.


  • #5726 - Updated, cleaned up, and separated out the main landing page for Nautobot docs.
  • #5752 - Corrected incorrect entry for nautobot.utilities.ordering in v2-code-location-changes table.
  • #5754 - Updated mkdocs-material to 9.5.25.


  • #5754 - Updated development dependencies requests to ~2.32.2 and watchdog to ~4.0.1.
  • #5793 - Refactored generate_test_data implementation for improved debuggability.
  • #5793 - Fixed a bug in ControllerManagedDeviceGroupFactory that could result in nondeterministic test data.

v2.2.5 (2024-05-28)


  • #5740 - Updated requests to 2.32.1 to address GHSA-9wx4-h78v-vm56. This is not a direct dependency so it will not auto-update when upgrading Nautobot. Please be sure to update your local environment.
  • #5757 - Fixed missing member object permission enforcement (e.g., enforce Device permissions for a Dynamic Group containing Devices) when viewing Dynamic Group member objects in the UI or REST API (GHSA-qmjf-wc2h-6x3q).


  • #5588 - Added "Add VRFs" and "Remove VRFs" fields to PrefixBulkEditForm.
  • #5588 - Added "Add Prefixes" and "Remove Prefixes" fields to VRFBulkEditForm.
  • #5655 - Added "Device Family" as a configurable column in the Device Types table view.
  • #5690 - Added a generic test case that asserts that all list views provide an appropriate FilterForm class.
  • #5747 - Added "Circuit Terminations" navigation menu item.


  • #5690 - Removed deprecated CustomFieldFilterForm alias of CustomFieldModelFilterFormMixin as this would have caused confusion with the newly added CustomFieldFilterForm class providing filtering support for the Custom Fields list view.


  • #5564 - Fixed ContactAssociationFilterSet.associated_object_type not using the right filter field.
  • #5669 - Fixed AttributeError thrown when deleting software versions or images from list views.
  • #5690 - Fixed a Javascript error when attempting to filter certain list views.
  • #5690 - Added missing "default" filter forms for a number of list views.
  • #5703 - Fixed unintended creation of _custom_field_data filter on various FilterSets.
  • #5703 - Fixed Filter "_custom_field_data" on ... is not GraphQL safe, and will be omitted warning logs when generating the GraphQL schema.
  • #5707 - Fixed incorrect installation of xmlsec library in the Nautobot Docker images.
  • #5708 - Fixed integrity error when doing bulk edits that resulted from a delete operation on a related model.
  • #5738 - Fixed incorrect API query parameters when selecting VLANs to apply to a VM Interface.
  • #5738 - Fixed incorrect query parameters when accessing or creating Clusters from a Cluster Type detail view.


  • #5699 - Updated to mkdocs~1.6.0 and mkdocs-material~9.5.23.
  • #5699 - Fixed a number of broken links within the documentation.


  • #5699 - Updated pylint to ~3.1.1.
  • #5740 - Updated test dependency requests to ~2.32.1.

v2.2.4 (2024-05-13)


  • #1858 - Added sanitization of HTML tags in the content of BANNER_TOP, BANNER_BOTTOM, and BANNER_LOGIN configuration to prevent against potential injection of malicious scripts (stored XSS) via these features (GHSA-r2hr-4v48-fjv3).
  • #5672 - Updated Jinja2 dependency to 3.1.4 to address CVE-2024-34064.


  • #1858 - Added support in BRANDING_FILEPATHS configuration to specify a custom css and/or javascript file to be added to Nautobot page content.
  • #1858 - Added Markdown support to the BANNER_TOP, BANNER_BOTTOM, and BANNER_LOGIN configuration settings.


  • #4986 - Fixed inconsistent use of super causing active_tab context to be missing from several views.
  • #5644 - Made the uniqueness constraints between the ContactAssociation model and the related API serializer consistent.
  • #5684 - Fixed standard CSV export when using export templates.
  • #5689 - Fixed change logging for bulk delete operations so that user is included in the log.


  • #5661 - Updated documentation to organize installation instructions and provide easier to use functions from mkdocs.


  • #5263 - Updated nh3 to 0.2.17 in poetry.lock.
  • #5637 - Removed "version" from development docker-compose.yml files as newer versions of Docker complain about it being obsolete.
  • #5637 - Fixed behavior of invoke stop so that it also stops the optional mkdocs container if present.

v2.2.3 (2024-04-30)


  • #5624 - Updated social-auth-app-django dependency to ~5.4.1 to address CVE-2024-32879.
  • #5646 - Fixed a reflected-XSS vulnerability (GHSA-jxgr-gcj5-cqqg) in object-list view rendering of user-provided query parameters.


  • #2946 - Added custom link support for interfaces, console ports, console server ports, power ports, power outlets, front ports, rear ports, device bays, and inventory items.
  • #5034 - Added a view to convert location contact information to contacts or teams.
  • #5537 - Re-added run_job generic Celery task as a wrapper for execution of all Nautobot Jobs.
  • #5560 - Added a template tag which creates a hyperlink that opens in a new tab.
  • #5586 - Added API.


  • #5498 - Changed the class to no longer be a subclass of celery.tasks.Task.


  • #5513 - Fixed missing location field in Prefix and VLAN GraphQL schema.
  • #5513 - Restored ability to filter Prefix and VLAN objects at the ORM level by location.
  • #5565 - Fixed optional dependency on social-auth-core by removing an extras related to openidconnect that no longer exists.
  • #5586 - Fixed incorrect rendering of Job variables in the ScheduledJob detail view.
  • #5594 - Fixed Job tiles view not understanding the per_page and page query parameters.
  • #5595 - Fixed bug where API Extra Actions weren't displaying the proper name.
  • #5603 - Fixed config contexts loaded from Git repositories not populating Device Redundancy Group information.
  • #5640 - Fixed bug in generating the URL parameters for cloning objects.
  • #5642 - Fixed some cases where stale Job code might be present when Jobs are sourced from JOBS_ROOT or a Git repository.
  • #5642 - Fixed incorrect handling of Job kwargs when dry-running a job approval request via the REST API.


  • #5094 - Added "Reserved Attribute Names" section to the Jobs developer documentation.
  • #5608 - Updated VLAN documentation with a recommendation for modeling of VLANs with respect to Locations.
  • #5626 - Added extras features docs to core developer new model checklist.
  • #5635 - Added borders to tabbed sections of mkdocs.


  • #4498 - Removed redundant nautobot.extras.plugins.register_jobs function.
  • #5586 - Fixed an intermittent ImportError when running tests with certain options.
  • #5605 - Added prerelease and release workflow to deploy sandbox environments automatically.

v2.2.2 (2024-04-18)


  • #5579 - Updated sqlparse to 0.5.0 to fix GHSA-2m57-hf25-phgg. This is not a direct dependency so it will not auto-update when upgrading Nautobot. Please be sure to update your local environment.


  • #2459 - Added nautobot.extras.utils.bulk_delete_with_bulk_change_logging helper function for improving performance on bulk delete.
  • #2459 - Added nautobot.extras.context_managers.deferred_change_logging_for_bulk_operation context manager for improving performance on bulk update.


  • #2459 - Improved performance of bulk-edit and bulk-delete UI operations by refactoring change logging logic.
  • #5568 - Added hyperlink to the total device count number under device family.
  • #5589 - Fixed an invalid Javascript operator in the LLDP neighbor view.


  • #5580 - Fixed bugs when assigning a VLAN to an Interface related to the recently introduced many-to-many relationship between VLANs and Locations.
  • #5592 - Fixed plugins not loading when using Gunicorn.


  • #5583 - Re-added release note content for v1.6.16 through v1.6.18.


  • #5590 - Fixed upstream testing workflows showing successful when one of the steps fail.

v2.2.1 (2024-04-15)


  • #5521 - Updated Pillow dependency to ~10.3.0 to address CVE-2024-28219.
  • #5543 - Updated jquery-ui to version 1.13.2 due to CVE-2022-31160.
  • #5561 - Updated idna to 3.7 due to CVE-2024-3651. This is not a direct dependency so will not auto-update when upgrading. Please be sure to upgrade your local environment.


  • #1631 - Added change logging for custom field background tasks.
  • #5009 - Added the option to filter objects with select/multi-select custom fields based on the UUID of the defined custom field choice(s), for example /api/dcim/locations/?cf_multiselect=1ea9237c-3ba7-4985-ba7e-6fd9e9bff813 as an alternative to /api/dcim/locations/?cf_multiselect=some-choice-value.
  • #5493 - Added a configuration setting METRICS_DISABLED_APPS to disable app metrics for specific apps.
  • #5540 - Added total devices count to device family detail page.


  • #5274 - Added a setting that changes all rack unit numbers to display a minimum of two digits in rack elevations.


  • #5469 - Fixed contacts and teams not being included in the global search.
  • #5489 - Fixed REST API for Contact and Team incorrectly marking the phone and email fields as mandatory.
  • #5502 - Fixed off-by-one error in generic filter testing helper BaseFilterTestCase.get_filterset_test_values.
  • #5511 - Fixed contact tab disappearing when accessing dynamic groups tab.
  • #5515 - Fixed javascript exception thrown in the Device LLDP neighbors view for neighbors without configured devices/interfaces.
  • #5527 - Fixed incorrect "members" links in Virtual Chassis list view.
  • #5531 - Re-added nautobot.setup() function mistakenly removed in 2.2.0.


  • #5495 - Changed jsonschema version constraint from >=4.7.0,<4.19.0 to ^4.7.0.
  • #5517 - Updated djangorestframework to ~3.15.1.
  • #5521 - Updated most dependencies to the latest versions available as of 2024-04-01.
  • #5543 - Updated jquery to version 3.7.1.


  • #5189 - Added "Model Development Checklist" to the core developer documentation.
  • #5189 - Merged "Extending Models" documentation into the "Model Development Checklist" documentation.
  • #5526 - Fixed doc reference to job cprofile file location.


  • #5531 - Removed nautobot-server pylint management command from the example_app, as pylint can be invoked directly with an appropriate --init-hook instead.
  • #5547 - Fixed TransactionTestCase inheritance order so that test.client works in test cases using this class.

v2.2.0 (2024-03-29)


Upgrading from beta releases to final releases is never recommended for Nautobot; in the case of 2.2.0b1 to 2.2.0 several data models and database migrations have been modified (see #5454) between the two releases, and so upgrading in place from 2.2.0b1 to 2.2.0 will not work.


  • #4811 - Added a new generic test case (test_table_with_indentation_is_removed_on_filter_or_sort) to ListObjectsViewTestCase to test that the tree hierarchy is correctly removed on TreeModel list views when sorting or filtering is applied. This test will also run in these subclasses of the ListObjectsViewTestCase: PrimaryObjectViewTestCase, OrganizationalObjectViewTestCase, and DeviceComponentViewTestCase.
  • #5034 - Added a management command (nautobot-server migrate_location_contacts) to help migrate the Location contact_name, contact_email and contact_phone fields to Contact and Teams models.


  • #5452 - Changed the behavior of Prefix table: now they are sortable, and after sorting is applied, all hierarchy indentations are removed.
  • #5454 - Changed one-to-many links from Controller to PROTECT against deleting.
  • #5454 - Renamed ControllerDeviceGroup to ControllerManagedDeviceGroup.
  • #5454 - Renamed Controller.deployed_controller_device to Controller.controller_device.
  • #5454 - Renamed Controller.deployed_controller_group to Controller.controller_device_redundancy_group.
  • #5454 - Renamed Device.controller_device_group to Device.controller_managed_device_group.
  • #5454 - Removed ConfigContext from ControllerManagedDeviceGroup.
  • #5454 - Removed ConfigContext from Controller.
  • #5475 - Changed the behavior of Prefix table and other Tree Model tables: now after filtering is applied, all hierarchy indentations are removed.
  • #5487 - Moved some nav menu items around to make better logical sense and to allow quicker access to more commonly accessed features.


  • #5415 - Fixed Team(s) field not pre-populating when editing a Contact.
  • #5431 - Fixed Roles API response containing duplicate entries when filtering on more than one content_types value.
  • #5431 - Fixed Providers API response containing duplicate entries when filtering on more than one location value.
  • #5440 - Fixed Cannot resolve keyword 'task_id' into field error when calling nautobot-server celery result <task_id>.


  • #4583 - Updated pinned version of social-auth-core to remove dependency on python-jose & it's dependency on ecdsa.


  • #5435 - Added --pattern argument to invoke unittest.
  • #5435 - Added --parallel-workers argument to invoke unittest.

v2.2.0-beta.1 (2024-03-19)


  • #1 - Added new models for software versions and software image files.
  • #1 - Added a many-to-many relationship from Device to SoftwareImageFile.
  • #1 - Added a many-to-many relationship from DeviceType to SoftwareImageFile.
  • #1 - Added a many-to-many relationship from InventoryItem to SoftwareImageFile.
  • #1 - Added a many-to-many relationship from VirtualMachine to SoftwareImageFile.
  • #1 - Added a foreign key relationship from Device to SoftwareVersion.
  • #1 - Added a foreign key relationship from InventoryItem to SoftwareVersion.
  • #1 - Added a foreign key relationship from VirtualMachine to SoftwareVersion.
  • #230 - Added Contact and Team Models.
  • #1150 - Added environment variable support for most admin-configurable settings (ALLOW_REQUEST_PROFILING, BANNER_TOP, etc.)
  • #3111 - Initial work on the controller model.
  • #3559 - Added HardwareFamily model class. (Renamed before release to DeviceFamily.)
  • #3559 - Added device_family field to Device Type model class.
  • #4269 - Added REST API endpoint for VRFDeviceAssignment model.
  • #4270 - Added REST API endpoint for VRFPrefixAssignment model.
  • #4811 - Enabled sorting on the API endpoints for tree node models.
  • #5012 - Added database indexes to the ObjectChange model to improve performance when filtering by user_name, changed_object, or related_object, and also by changed_object in combination with user or user_name.
  • #5064 - Added job_import_button template-tag and marked import_button button template-tag as deprecated.
  • #5064 - Added nautobot.apps.utils.get_view_for_model utility function.
  • #5064 - Added can_add, can_change, can_delete, can_view, and has_serializer filters to the /api/extras/content-types/ REST API.
  • #5067 - Added q (SearchFilter) filter to all filtersets where it was missing.
  • #5067 - Added two generic test cases for q filter: test_q_filter_exists and test_q_filter_valid.
  • #5097 - Added a JSON Schema file for Nautobot settings (nautobot/core/settings.yaml).
  • #5097 - Added REST API endpoint to show the JSON Schema for authenticated users.
  • #5098 - Added client-side GraphQL, JSON, XML, and YAML syntax highlighting with the highlight.js library.
  • #5101 - Added a utility to help when writing migrations that replace database models.
  • #5107 - Added hyperlinked_email and hyperlinked_phone_number template tags/filters.
  • #5127 - Added bulk-edit and bulk-delete capabilities for Jobs.
  • #5129 - Implemented jobs tile view.
  • #5188 - Added table of related Device Families to the DeviceType detail view.
  • #5278 - Added permission constraint for User Token.
  • #5341 - Added /apps/ and /api/apps/ URL groupings, initially containing only the installed-apps/ sub-items.
  • #5341 - Added nautobot-apps key to the /api/status/ REST API endpoint.
  • #5342 - Added MigrationsBackend to health-check, which will fail if any unapplied database migrations are present.
  • #5347 - Added an option to the Job-based CSV import to make atomic transactions optional.
  • #5349 - Added REST API for vlan-to-location and prefix-to-location M2M.


  • #2906 - Increased max_length on all CharFields to at least 255 characters except where a shorter max_length is explicitly justified.
  • #4334 - Changed Prefix.location to Prefix.locations allowing multiple Locations to be associated with a given Prefix.
  • #4334 - Changed VLANGroup default ordering to be sorted by name alone since it is a unique field.
  • #4412 - Changed VLAN.location to VLAN.locations allowing multiple Locations to be associated with a given VLAN.
  • #4811 - Changed the behavior of tree model tables: now they are sortable, and after sorting is applied, all hierarchy indentations are removed.
  • #5064 - Changed CSV import functionality to run as a system Job, avoiding HTTP timeouts when importing large data sets.
  • #5064 - Updated JobResult main tab to render any return value from the Job as syntax-highlighted JSON.
  • #5126 - Rearranged Job List table row contents.
  • #5341 - Renamed Plugins navigation menu to Apps. Apps that add to this menu are encouraged to update their to use the new name.
  • #5341 - Renamed Installed Plugins view to Installed Apps.
  • #5341 - Changed permissions on the Installed Apps views to be visible to all authenticated users, not just staff/superuser accounts.
  • #5342 - Changed default Docker HEALTHCHECK to use nautobot-server health_check CLI command.
  • #5405 - Changed DeviceType list view "Import" button to include a dropdown to select between JSON/YAML or CSV import formats.
  • #5405 - Changed DeviceType list view "Export" button to default to YAML format.
  • #5412 - Changed DeviceType YAML/JSON import to now map unrecognized port template type values to "other" instead of failing the import.
  • #5414 - Changed ImportObjects.roll_back_if_error form field help text and label.


  • #5064 - Deprecated the import_button button template-tag.
  • #5116 - Deprecated the nautobot.apps.exceptions.ConfigurationError class as it is no longer used in Nautobot core and is trivially reimplementable by any App if desired.
  • #5341 - Deprecated the plugins key under the /api/status/ REST API endpoint. Refer to nautobot-apps instead.


  • #5064 - Removed the requirement for ViewTestCases subclasses to define csv_data for testing bulk-import views, as this functionality is now covered by a generic system Job.
  • #5116 - Removed logan-derived application startup logic, simplifying the Nautobot startup code flow.


  • #4334 - Fixed ordering of VLANs in the UI list view.
  • #5064 - Fixed an exception in Job.after_return() if a Job with an optional FileVar was executed without supplying a value for that variable.
  • #5116 - Fixed inability to specify a --config PATH value with the nautobot-server runserver command.
  • #5186 - Fixed Prefix.ip_version and IPAddress.ip_version fields to be non-nullable.
  • #5220 - Fixed contacts field in "Add a new team" form not populating.
  • #5241 - Fixed rendering of NavMenuItems that do not define any specific required permissions.
  • #5241 - Fixed incorrect construction of NavMenuTab and NavMenuGroup permissions.
  • #5241 - Fixed incorrect permissions required for Roles navigation menu item.
  • #5298 - Fixed a ValidationError that was being thrown when a user logged out.
  • #5298 - Fixed a case where viewing a completed JobResult that was missing a date_done value would cause the JobResult view to repeatedly refresh.


  • #5248 - Broadened Markdown dependency to permit versions up to 3.5.x.


  • #5179 - Updated all documentation referencing the example_plugin to refer to the (renamed) example_app.
  • #5179 - Replaced some "plugin" references in the documentation with "App" or "Nautobot App" as appropriate.
  • #5248 - Removed source code excerpts from the "App Developer Guide > Code Reference" section of the documentation.
  • #5341 - Replaced references to "plugins" in the documentation with "Apps".


  • #5099 - Added mkdocs-macros-plugin as a development/documentation-rendering dependency.
  • #5099 - Refactored documentation in optional-settings and required-settings to be generated automatically from settings.yaml schema.
  • #5099 - Replaced nautobot/core/settings.json with nautobot/core/settings.yaml for improved readability and maintainability.
  • #5105 - Added Bulk Edit functionality for ContactAssociation.
  • #5105 - Added Bulk Edit buttons for associated contact tables in the contacts tabs of object detail views.
  • #5145 - Added data migration to populate default statuses and default roles for the ContactAssociation model.
  • #5179 - Renamed example_plugin to example_app.
  • #5179 - Renamed example_plugin_with_view_override to example_app_with_view_override.
  • #5179 - Replaced all "plugin" terminology within the examples directory with "App", except in cases where the terminology is embedded in core code (settings.PLUGINS, plugins: and plugins-api named URLs, etc.)
  • #5179 - Replaced some "plugin" terminology in docstrings, comments, and test code with "app" as appropriate.
  • #5187 - Removed "Add Contact" button from the standard buttons in the detail views.
  • #5187 - Renamed "Assign Contact/Team" UI buttons text from "Create", "Create and Add Another" to "Assign" and "Assign and Add Another".
  • #5187 - Split out Contact/Team icons into a separate column and renamed the columns to "Type" and "Name" on AssociatedContactsTable.
  • #5207 - Made role attribute required on ContactAssociation Model.
  • #5213 - Made the default action when assigning a contact/team to an object to be the assignment of an existing contact/team.
  • #5214 - Fixed the bug causing Contact Tab disappear when the user navigates to the Notes and Changelog Tabs.
  • #5221 - Fixed the return URL from adding/assigning a contact/team from ObjectDetailView to redirect to the contacts tab instead of the main tab.
  • #5248 - Updated development dependencies including coverage, django-debug-toolbar, factory-boy, mkdocs-material, mkdocstrings, mkdocstrings-python, pylint, rich, ruff, selenium, splinter, towncrier, watchdog, and yamllint to their latest available versions.
  • #5272 - Fixed incorrectly set return urls on the edit and delete buttons of job tile view.
  • #5352 - Renamed HardwareFamily to DeviceFamily.